CMR Welcomes the Class of 2012!
Carnegie Mellon Racing, the CMU chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers, would like to welcome all incoming freshmen of the Class of 2012(+) to the Carnegie Mellon campus. We encourage students of all disciplines to learn about Carnegie Mellon Racing and to explore what our organization has to offer to them. We especially welcome new students to participate in our learning experiences and to have fun doing it.
Expect to see CMR79, our newest race car, out on campus alongside the dedicated students who built it. Our team will be out on The Cut in the center of campus to display CMR79 for a few days in the first weeks of school. Come by and learn about the work and play involved in our organization.
Carnegie Mellon Racing seeks new membership from students passionate in excelling in and applying skills in the science, business, design, and engineering fields.
Carnegie Mellon Racing will also feature CMR79 at the Fall 2008 Student Activities Fair, Wednesday, September 3rd at 4:30 on the CFA Lawn (Rainsite: Weigand Gym). This is an excellent opportunity to view the race car, talk to current members and grab the latest information on attending team events and meetings. In the week of September 1st, we will post an invitation about our yearly fall information session here on our website and on campus bulletin boards. Check our calendar for the latest events.
To learn more about Carnegie Mellon Racing, please email us and explore this website. We look forward to seeing and meeting new faces, we'll see you around campus and welcome to Carnegie Mellon!